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Easier cleaning Microadjustable SL14 Cutting heads

ADVANCED SLICING SOLUTIONS FOR THE MODEL CC Urschel introduces a new slicing concept – meet the MicroAdjustable® Slicing Head (SL-14).

Urschel has long offered targeted cutting solutions to the global community of leading food processors — adapting to the requirements of individual applications and continuing to grow in the company's engineering and manufacturing expertise through each endeavor. As a result of this adaptive cutting technology approach, Urschel now introduces a new slicing concept — meet the MicroAdjustable® Slicing Head (SL-14).

The SL-14 is offered in two styles – one features micro-adjustability, while the other features micro-adjustability plus quick-clamping technology to expedite knife changeovers. This 14-station cutting head offers nearly double the capacity of an 8-shoe head. The new design incorporates ideal, carefully crafted spacing of cutting stations to maximize slice engagement.

In addition to the new SL-14 head, the standard, fully-adjustable slicing head containing an 8-shoe cutting station set-up is also still available.

Urschel Nordic
Karetmagervej 25B
7000 Fredericia
Fredericia Kommune
VAT nummer: DK12891709


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